Андрей (andy) wrote in changelog,

[livejournal] r18005: LJINT-362 (Comments for side projects): ...

Committer: ailyin
LJINT-362 (Comments for side projects): checkpoint commit
U   trunk/bin/upgrading/update-db-general.pl
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Comment.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Identity.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Talk.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/LoginMulti.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl
U   trunk/htdocs/gadgets/logcom.bml
U   trunk/htdocs/talkpost_do.bml
U   trunk/templates/CommentForm/FormEmbedable.tmpl
Modified: trunk/bin/upgrading/update-db-general.pl
--- trunk/bin/upgrading/update-db-general.pl	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/bin/upgrading/update-db-general.pl	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -3414,17 +3414,6 @@
     ) Type=InnoDB
-register_tablecreate("exturl2entry_map", <<'EOC');
-CREATE TABLE exturl2entry_map (
-    userid      int(11) NOT NULL,
-    url_md5     varchar(22) default NULL,
-    jitemid     int(11) NOT NULL,
-    KEY userid (userid,url_md5)
-    ) ENGINE=InnoDB
 ### changes
 register_alter(sub {

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Comment.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Comment.pm	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Comment.pm	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 require "htmlcontrols.pl";
 require "talklib.pl";
 use LJ::TimeUtil;
+use LJ::PartnerSite;
 use Encode();
@@ -1463,6 +1464,7 @@
     my $parent  = $self->parent || $self->entry;
     my $entry   = $self->entry;
+    my $journal = $entry->journal;
     my $posteru = $self->poster;
     my $encoding     = $targetu->mailencoding || 'UTF-8';
@@ -1511,6 +1513,20 @@
       $t->param(parent_dtalkid         => $self->parent->dtalkid);
+    my $partner
+        = LJ::PartnerSite->find_by_journal_username($journal->username);
+    if ( defined $partner ) {
+        my $docid = $partner->docid_from_entry($entry);
+        my $article_link = $partner->article_link($docid);
+        my $comment_link
+            = $partner->article_link( $docid,
+                                      { 'thread' => $self->dtalkid } );
+        $t->param( 'article_link' => $article_link,
+                   'comment_link' => $comment_link, );
+    }
 # Processes template for HTML e-mail notifications
@@ -1520,12 +1536,14 @@
     my $targetu = shift;           # target user, who should be notified about the comment
     my $t       = shift;           # LJ::HTML::Template object - template of the notification e-mail
-    my $parent  = $self->parent || $self->entry;
+    my $entry   = $self->entry;
+    my $parent  = $self->parent;
     $self->_format_template_mail($targetu, $t);
     # add specific for HTML params
-    $t->param(parent_text        => LJ::Talk::Post::blockquote($parent->body_html));
+    $t->param(parent_text        => LJ::Talk::Post::blockquote($parent ? $parent->body_html
+                                                                       : $entry->event_html ));
     $t->param(poster_text        => LJ::Talk::Post::blockquote($self->body_html));
     my $email_subject = $self->subject_html;

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Identity.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Identity.pm	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Identity.pm	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -209,18 +209,9 @@
                   "jid=$journalid&" .
         $returl_fail = $returl . '&failed=1';
-    } elsif ($forwhat =~ /^external-/) {
-        my (undef, $journalid, $ditemid, $dtalkid) = split /-/, $forwhat;
-        my $journal = LJ::load_userid($journalid);
-        my $entry = LJ::Entry->new($journal, 'ditemid' => $ditemid);
-        my $uri = URI->new( $entry->prop('external_url') );
-        if ($dtalkid) {
-            $uri->query_form( $uri->query_form, 'replyto' => $dtalkid );
-            $uri->fragment( 't' . $dtalkid );
-        }
-        $returl = $returl_fail = $uri->as_string;
+    } elsif ($forwhat eq 'external') {
+        $returl      = "$LJ::SITEROOT/gadgets/external-landing.bml?success";
+        $returl_fail = "$LJ::SITEROOT/gadgets/external-landing.bml?fail";
     } else {
         # the warning will sit in error logs, and the exception
         # will be handled

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Talk.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Talk.pm	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Talk.pm	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -1852,6 +1852,7 @@
         }) || undef,
         'logout_url'            => $opts->{'logout_url'},
+        'js_check_domain'       => $opts->{'js_check_domain'},
     return $template->output;

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/LoginMulti.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/LoginMulti.pm	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/LoginMulti.pm	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -22,15 +22,17 @@
     ## Handle auth params
     if (LJ::Request->did_post) {
-        do_login($thispage, $forwhat, \@errors);
+        do_login($thispage, $forwhat, \@errors, \%opts);
         ## where to go on success?
         return if LJ::Request->redirected;
+    my $filename = $opts{'embedded'} ? 'ExternalLogin' : 'Login';
     ## Draw widget
     my $template = LJ::HTML::Template->new(
         { use_expr => 1 }, # force HTML::Template::Pro with Expr support
-        filename => "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/templates/Identity/Login.tmpl",
+        filename => "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/templates/Identity/$filename.tmpl",
         die_on_bad_params => 0,
         strict => 0,
     ) or die "Can't open template: $!";
@@ -50,10 +52,17 @@
     my @types;
     if ($opts{'lj_auth'}) {
-        push @types, {
-            type => 'user',
-            ml_tab_heading => LJ::Lang::ml("/identity/login.bml.tab.user"),
+        my $type_display = {
+            'type'            => 'user',
+            'ml_tab_heading'  => LJ::Lang::ml("/identity/login.bml.tab.user"),
+            'user_returnto'   => $opts{'user_returnto'},
+        if ( $opts{'embedded'} ) {
+            $template->param( 'type_user' => [ $type_display ] );
+        }
+        push @types, $type_display;
     ## external auth
@@ -69,13 +78,21 @@
         if ($type eq $current_type) {
             $type_display->{'errors'} = [ map { { 'error' => $_ } } @errors ];
+        if ( $opts{'embedded'} ) {
+            $template->param( 'type_' . $type => [ $type_display ] );
+        }
         push @types, $type_display;
+    unless ( $opts{'embedded'} ) {
+        $template->param( 'types' => \@types );
+    }
-        'types' => \@types,
-        'current_type' => $current_type,
-        'returnto' => $thispage,
+        'current_type'      => $current_type,
+        'returnto'          => $thispage,
+        'js_check_domain'   => $opts{'js_check_domain'},
     ## well cooked widget is here
@@ -83,9 +100,7 @@
 sub do_login {
-    my $thispage = shift;
-    my $forwhat = shift;
-    my $errors = shift;
+    my ( $thispage, $forwhat, $errors, $opts ) = @_;
     my $idtype = LJ::Request->post_param('type');
     ## Special case: perform LJ.com login.
@@ -143,7 +158,9 @@
             ## Where to go?
             my $returnto = LJ::Request->post_param("returnto") || $thispage;
             my $returl_fail = "$thispage?type=$idtype";
-            unless ( $returnto =~ m!^https?://\Q$LJ::DOMAIN_WEB\E/! ) {
+            if ( $opts->{'embedded'}
+              || $returnto !~ m!^https?://\Q$LJ::DOMAIN_WEB\E/! )
+            {
                 ($returnto, $returl_fail)
                     = LJ::Identity->unpack_forwhat($forwhat);

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl
--- trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -1278,7 +1278,10 @@
 sub include_raw  {
     my $type = shift;
     my $code = shift;
-    die "Bogus include type: $type" unless $type =~ m!^(js|css)$!;
+    die "Bogus include type: $type"
+        unless $type =~ m!^(js|css|js_link|css_link)$!;
     push @LJ::INCLUDE_RAW => [$type, $code];
@@ -1478,11 +1481,17 @@
     return $ret if $only_needed;
     # add raw js/css
-    foreach my $inc (@LJ::INCLUDE_RAW){
-        if ($inc->[0] eq 'js'){
-            $ret .= qq|<script type="text/javascript">\r\n| . $inc->[1] . "</script>\r\n";
-        } elsif ($inc->[0] eq 'css'){
-            $ret .= qq|<style>\r\n| . $inc->[1] . "</style>\n";
+    foreach my $inc (@LJ::INCLUDE_RAW) {
+        my ( $type, $code ) = @$inc;
+        if ($type eq 'js'){
+            $ret .= qq|<script type="text/javascript">\r\n$code</script>\r\n|;
+        } elsif ($type eq 'css'){
+            $ret .= qq|<style>\r\n$code</style>\n|;
+        } elsif ( $type eq 'js_link' ) {
+            $ret .= qq{<script type="text/javascript" src="$code"></script>\r\n};
+        } elsif ( $type eq 'css_link' ) {
+            $ret .= qq{<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$code" />};

Modified: trunk/htdocs/gadgets/logcom.bml
--- trunk/htdocs/gadgets/logcom.bml	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/htdocs/gadgets/logcom.bml	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -8,62 +8,29 @@
     return 'This feature is disabled'
         unless LJ::is_enabled('external_comments');
-    LJ::need_res(qw( js/partners/placeholder.js
-                     js/jquery.js
-                     stc/lj_base.css
-                     stc/partners/login.css ));
     my $thispage = "$LJ::SITEROOT/gadgets/logcom.bml";
     $thispage .= "?" . LJ::Request->args;
-    my $url     = $GET{url};
-    my $rskey   = $GET{rsk};
+    my $docid   = LJ::Request->get_param('docid');
+    my $api_key = LJ::Request->get_param('rsk');
     ## convert remote-site key to lj.com's community
-    my $username = LJ::ExternalComments->key_to_username($rskey);
-    return "unknown key" unless $username;
+    my $partner = LJ::PartnerSite->find_by_api_key($api_key);
+    return 'unknown key'
+        unless $partner;
-    my $journal = LJ::load_user($username);
-    return "unknown user" unless $journal;
+    $partner->request_logcom_resources;
+    my $journal = $partner->journal;
     return 'rate limit exceeded'
-        unless LJ::RateLimit->check( $journal,
-                                     $LJ::PARTNER_RATE_LIMITS{$username} );
+        unless LJ::RateLimit->check( $journal, $partner->rate_limits );
-    my $domains = $LJ::PARTNER_DOMAINS{$username};
-    my $domains_out = LJ::JSON->to_json($domains);
-    my $js_check_domain = qq[
-        <script type="text/javascript">
-        var trustedDomains = $domains_out;
-        var domainMatch = checkDomain(window.location.href, trustedDomains);
+    my $js_check_domain = $partner->domain_check_js( { 'mode' => 'logcom' } );
-        if (!domainMatch) {
-            window.location.href = 'about:blank';
-        }
+    my $entry = $partner->find_entry_by_docid($docid);
+    my $jitemid = $entry->jitemid;
-        function checkDomain(href, trustedDomains) {
-            var currentDomain = href.match(] .q{/(http\:\/\/)(?:www\.)?([^\/]*)/} . qq[)[2];
-            for (var i = 0, l = trustedDomains.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (trustedDomains[i] == currentDomain) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        </script>
-    ];
-    ## convert article's uri on partners site to entryid on LJ.com
-    my $jitemid = LJ::ExternalComments->url_to_jitemid($journal, $url);
-    unless ($jitemid){
-        ## create new empty entry for this url
-        $jitemid = LJ::ExternalComments->create_entry_for_url($journal, $url);
-        return "Can't create new entry" unless $jitemid;
-    }
     my $replyto = LJ::Request->get_param('replyto');
     if ($replyto) {
@@ -72,9 +39,7 @@
             unless $parent->valid;
-    my $entry = LJ::Entry->new($journal, jitemid => $jitemid);
-    if (my $remote = LJ::get_remote() and not $GET{viewform}){
+    if (my $remote = LJ::get_remote() and not LJ::Request->get_param('viewform')) {
         ## show add comment form
         LJ::need_res(qw( stc/partners/login.css ));
@@ -89,15 +54,15 @@
-                remote   => $remote,
-                journalu => $journal,
-                ditemid  => $entry->ditemid,
-                embedable_form => 1,
-                replyto  => int ($replyto / 256),
-                logout_url => $logout_url,
-            });
+                'embedable_form'    => 1,
+                'logout_url'        => $logout_url,
+                'js_check_domain'   => $js_check_domain,
+                'remote'            => $remote,
+                'journalu'          => $journal,
+                'ditemid'           => $entry->ditemid,
+                'replyto'           => int ($replyto / 256),
+            });
     } else {
         ## display login widget
@@ -105,28 +70,17 @@
-        my $forwhat = 'external-' .
-                      $journal->userid . '-' .
-                      $entry->ditemid . '-' .
-                      $replyto;
+        my $w = LJ::Widget::LoginMulti->new;
+        $w->{'no_container_div'} = 1;
-        my $uri = URI->new($url);
-        if ($replyto) {
-            $uri->query_form( $uri->query_form, 'replyto' => $replyto );
-            $uri->fragment( 't' . $replyto );
-        }
+        return $w->render(
+            'embedded'          => 1,
+            'js_check_domain'   => $js_check_domain,
-        my $ret = "";
-        $ret .= "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">
-        <html>
-        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />
-        <head>
-        <title>Log in</title>
-        " . LJ::res_includes() . "
-        <body>"
-        . LJ::Widget::LoginMulti->render(thispage => $uri->as_string, forwhat => $forwhat, lj_auth => 1,)
-        ."</body></html>";
-        return $ret;
+            'forwhat'           => 'external',
+            'thispage'          => $thispage,
+            'lj_auth'           => 1,
+        );

Modified: trunk/htdocs/talkpost_do.bml
--- trunk/htdocs/talkpost_do.bml	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/htdocs/talkpost_do.bml	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
+#line 3
     use strict;
-    use vars qw(%POST %ML %GET $title);
+    our ( %ML, %GET, %POST, $title, $body );
     my @errors;
     my $skip_form_auth = 0;
+    my $external_site_case = $POST{'is_form_embedded'};
+    my $site_scheme_wrap = ! $external_site_case;
+    # indentation inside this subroutine is intentionally screwed
+    # to reduce the diff size ;-)
+    my $render_body = sub {
     # stupid hack to allow hotmail people to post, since hotmail changes
     # POST forms to GET.  this isn't a security problem (GET -> POST escalation)
     # since talklib.pl's LJ::Talk::Post::init checks for $POST{'ecphash'}
@@ -114,6 +121,8 @@
         $require_tos = 1;
+    my $entry = LJ::Entry->new( $journalu, ditemid => $POST{'itemid'} );
     if (! $init || $require_tos) {
         my ($sth, $parpost);
         my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
@@ -128,16 +137,55 @@
         $POST{replyto} = $POST{parenttalkid}+0 unless exists $POST{replyto};
         $POST{edit} = $POST{editid}; # talkform expects the editid to be in "edit"
-        return LJ::Talk::talkform({ 'remote'      => $remote,
-                                    'journalu'    => $journalu,
-                                    'parpost'     => $parpost,
-                                    'replyto'     => $POST{replyto},
-                                    'ditemid'     => $POST{itemid},
-                                    'require_tos' => $require_tos,
-                                    'do_captcha'  => $need_captcha,
-                                    'stylemine'   => $GET{'style'} eq "mine",
-                                    'errors'      => \@errors,
-                                    'form'        => \%POST });
+        my $talkform_opts = {
+            'remote'            => $remote,
+            'journalu'          => $journalu,
+            'parpost'           => $parpost,
+            'replyto'           => $POST{replyto},
+            'ditemid'           => $POST{itemid},
+            'require_tos'       => $require_tos,
+            'do_captcha'        => $need_captcha,
+            'stylemine'         => $GET{'style'} eq "mine",
+            'errors'            => \@errors,
+            'form'              => \%POST,
+        };
+        if ( $external_site_case ) {
+            $talkform_opts->{'embedable_form'} = 1;
+            my $remote_sessid;
+            if ($remote) {
+                $remote_sessid = $remote->session->id;
+            }
+            my $partner
+                = LJ::PartnerSite->find_by_journal_username(
+                    $journalu->username );
+            my $docid = $partner->docid_from_entry($entry);
+            my $replyto = $POST{'replyto'}
+                ? int ( $POST{'replyto'} ) * 256 + $entry->anum
+                : 0;
+            my $logcom_page = "$LJ::SITEROOT/gadgets/logcom.bml?" .
+                              'docid=' . $docid . '&' .
+                              'rsk=' . $partner->api_key . '&' .
+                              'replyto=' . $replyto;
+            my $logout_url = "$LJ::SITEROOT/gadgets/logout.bml?" .
+                             'returnto=' . LJ::eurl($logcom_page) . '&' .
+                             'sessid=' . $remote_sessid;
+            $talkform_opts->{'logout_url'} = $logout_url;
+            $talkform_opts->{'js_check_domain'}
+                = $partner->domain_check_js( { 'mode' => 'logcom' } );
+            $partner->request_logcom_resources;
+        }
+        return LJ::Talk::talkform($talkform_opts);
     # checked $POST{agree_tos} was checked above if it was necessary,
@@ -152,7 +200,6 @@
     my $talkurl = $init->{talkurl};
     my $entryu   = $init->{entryu};
-    my $journalu = $init->{journalu};
     my $parent   = $init->{parent};
     my $comment  = $init->{comment};
     my $item     = $init->{item};
@@ -168,7 +215,6 @@
         if $parent->{state} eq 'F';
     # no replying to suspended entries, even by entry poster
-    my $entry = LJ::Entry->new($journalu, jitemid => $item->{jitemid});
     return LJ::bad_input($ML{'/talkpost.bml.error.noreply_suspended'})
         if $entry && $entry->is_suspended;
@@ -198,9 +244,21 @@
     my $stylemine = $POST{'stylemine'} ? 'style=mine' : '';
     my $commentlink;
-    if ($POST{'is_form_embedded'}) {
-        $commentlink = $entry->prop('external_url')
-                     . '?view=' . $dtalkid . '#t' . $dtalkid;
+    if ($external_site_case) {
+        my $partner
+            = LJ::PartnerSite->find_by_journal_username($journalu->username);
+        my $uri = URI->new( $partner->xdreceiver_url );
+        my $parentid = $parent->{'talkid'}
+            ? $parent->{'talkid'} * 256 + $entry->anum
+            : 0;
+        $uri->query_form( $uri->query_form,
+                          'comment_id' => $dtalkid,
+                          'replyto'    => $parentid, );
+        $commentlink = $uri->as_string;
     } elsif ($POST{'viewing_thread'} eq '') {
         $commentlink = LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "view=$dtalkid", $stylemine) . "#t$dtalkid";
     } else {
@@ -244,16 +302,27 @@
     # Sucessful!
     $title = $ML{'.title'};
-    return $ret;
+    }; # end $render_body
+    my $body = $render_body->();
+    my $head
+        = ! $LJ::REQ_HEAD_HAS{'chalresp_js'}++
+            ? $LJ::COMMON_CODE{'chalresp_js'}
+            : "";
+    if ($site_scheme_wrap) {
+        return BML::render_page({
+            'body'  => $body,
+            'title' => $title,
+            'head'  => $head,
+        });
+    } else {
+        return $body;
+    }
-title=><?_code return $title _code?>
-<?_code return (! $LJ::REQ_HEAD_HAS{'chalresp_js'}++) ? $LJ::COMMON_CODE{'chalresp_js'} : ""; _code?>
-page?><?_c <LJDEP>
+_code?><?_c <LJDEP>
 lib: LJ::SpellCheck
 link: htdocs/lostinfo.bml, htdocs/userinfo.bml, htdocs/talkread.bml
 post: htdocs/talkpost_do.bml

Modified: trunk/templates/CommentForm/FormEmbedable.tmpl
--- trunk/templates/CommentForm/FormEmbedable.tmpl	2010-12-28 08:43:13 UTC (rev 18004)
+++ trunk/templates/CommentForm/FormEmbedable.tmpl	2010-12-30 12:25:26 UTC (rev 18005)
@@ -7,8 +7,14 @@
     <TMPL_VAR lj_res_includes>
-	<div class="lj3-form-wrapper">
-		<form class="lj3-form lj3-post-comment lj3-active" id="postform" method="post" action="/talkpost_do.bml" target="_top">
+    <TMPL_IF errors>
+        <TMPL_LOOP errors>
+            <TMPL_VAR error><br>
+        </TMPL_LOOP>
+    </TMPL_IF>
+    <div class="lj3-form-wrapper">
+		<form class="lj3-form lj3-post-comment lj3-active" id="postform" method="post" action="/talkpost_do.bml" target="">
             <TMPL_VAR form_intro>
             <input type="hidden" name="usertype" value="<TMPL_VAR usertype_default>">
             <input type="hidden" name="is_form_embedded" value="1">

Tags: andy, bml, livejournal, pl, pm, tmpl

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