wisest owl (wisest_owl) wrote in changelog,
wisest owl

[livejournal] r17682: LJSUP-7052. Add recent posts tags. Add c...

Committer: gprochaev
LJSUP-7052. Add recent posts tags. Add community tags.

U   trunk/bin/worker/category-recent-posts
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Browse.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Vertical.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Browse.pm
U   trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/add_community.bml
U   trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/remove_community.bml
Modified: trunk/bin/worker/category-recent-posts
--- trunk/bin/worker/category-recent-posts	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/bin/worker/category-recent-posts	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 use lib "$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin";
 use base 'LJ::NewWorker::Manual';
+use LJ::Browse;
 # how long to wait if we didn't process any at all
 my $sleep_when_idle;
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
     my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
-    my $journals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT * FROM categoryjournals", { Slice => {} });
+    my $journals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT catid, journalid FROM categoryjournals", { Slice => {} });
     foreach my $rec (@$journals) {
         my $journalid = $rec->{journalid};
         my @last_jitemid = $dbh->selectrow_array ("SELECT max(jitemid) FROM category_recent_posts WHERE journalid = ?", undef, $journalid);
@@ -67,7 +69,18 @@
         foreach my $entry (@recent) {
             my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO category_recent_posts (jitemid, timecreate, journalid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
             $sth->execute($entry->{itemid}, $entry->{logtime}, $journalid);
+            ## Add tags for every entry
+            my $e_obj = LJ::Entry->new ($u->{userid}, jitemid => $entry->{itemid});
+            my @tags = $e_obj->tags;
+            if (scalar @tags) {
+                my $cat = LJ::Browse->load_by_id ($rec->{catid});
+                next unless $cat;
+                my $v = $cat->vertical;
+                $v->save_tags (is_seo => 0, tags => [ map { { tag => $_, journalid => $u->{userid}, jitemid => $entry->{itemid} } } @tags ] );
+            }
     return 0;

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Browse.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Browse.pm	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Browse.pm	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
     $url =~ /^(?:$LJ::SITEROOT)?(\/.+)$/;
     my $path = $1;
-    $path =~ s/(?:tag)?\/?.*?\/?(?:\?.*)?$//; # remove search string, trailing slash and any get args
+    $path =~ s/tag?.*?\/?(?:\?.*)?$//; # remove search string, trailing slash and any get args
     $path =~ s/\/index\.bml$//; # remove bml page
     # 4 possibilities:
@@ -835,34 +835,29 @@
 sub search_posts {
     my $class  = shift;
-    my $search = shift;
-    my $limit = shift;
-    my $dbh = LJ::get_db_reader();
-    my $posts = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT journalid, jitemid FROM vertical_keywords WHERE keyword = ? AND is_seo = 0", { Slice => {} }, $search);
-    my @found_posts = ();
-    foreach my $post (@$posts) {
-        my $post_ids = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT journalid, jitemid FROM category_recent_posts WHERE journalid = ? AND jitemid = ? AND is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timecreate DESC LIMIT $limit", { Slice => {} }, $post->{journalid}, $post->{jitemid});
-        push @found_posts, @$post_ids;
-    }
-    my @entries = 
-        map { LJ::Entry->new ($_->{journalid}, jitemid => $_->{jitemid}) }      ## Create LJ::Entry object
-        grep { $_->{journalid} }                                                ## remove SEO posts
-        @found_posts;
-    return @entries;
-sub recent_posts {
-    my $class = shift;
     my $comms = shift;
     my $limit = shift;
+    my $search = shift;
+    my @entries = ();
     my $comm_list = join ",", @$comms;
     my $dbh = LJ::get_db_reader();
-    my $post_ids = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT * FROM category_recent_posts WHERE journalid IN ($comm_list) AND is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timecreate DESC LIMIT $limit", { Slice => {} });
-    my @entries = map { LJ::Entry->new ($_->{journalid}, jitemid => $_->{jitemid}) } @$post_ids;
+    if (defined $search) {
+        my $posts = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT journalid, jitemid FROM vertical_keywords WHERE keyword like ? AND is_seo = 0", { Slice => {} }, '%'.$search.'%');
+        my @found_posts = ();
+        foreach my $post (@$posts) {
+            my $post_ids = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT journalid, jitemid FROM category_recent_posts WHERE journalid IN ($comm_list) AND journalid = ? AND jitemid = ? AND is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timecreate DESC LIMIT $limit", { Slice => {} }, $post->{journalid}, $post->{jitemid});
+            push @found_posts, @$post_ids;
+        }
+        @entries = 
+            map { LJ::Entry->new ($_->{journalid}, jitemid => $_->{jitemid}) }      ## Create LJ::Entry object
+            grep { $_->{journalid} }                                                ## remove SEO posts
+            @found_posts;
+    } else {
+        my $post_ids = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ("SELECT * FROM category_recent_posts WHERE journalid IN ($comm_list) AND is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timecreate DESC LIMIT $limit", { Slice => {} });
+        @entries = map { LJ::Entry->new ($_->{journalid}, jitemid => $_->{jitemid}) } @$post_ids;
+    }
     return @entries;
 # Return a list of communities found in a category
@@ -906,25 +901,30 @@
 # Takes a list of userids and adds them to a category
-sub add_communities {
+sub add_community {
     my $self = shift;
-    my @uids = @_;
+    my $uid  = shift;
+    my $tags = shift;
     my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
         or die "unable to contact global db master to create category";
-    foreach my $uid (@uids) {
-        $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO categoryjournals VALUES (?,?)", undef,
-                 $self->catid, $uid);
-        die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
+    ## Add community to category
+    $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO categoryjournals VALUES (?,?)", undef,
+             $self->catid, $uid);
+    die $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
-        LJ::Browse->add_approved_community( comm  => LJ::want_user($uid),
-                                            mod_u => LJ::get_remote(),
-                                            catid => $self->catid, );
-    }
+    LJ::Browse->add_approved_community( comm  => LJ::want_user($uid),
+                                        mod_u => LJ::get_remote(),
+                                        catid => $self->catid, );
+    ## Add tags for added community
+    my $v = $self->vertical;
+    $v->save_tags (is_seo => 0, tags => [ map { { tag => $_, journalid => $uid } } @$tags ] );
     return 1;

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Vertical.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Vertical.pm	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Vertical.pm	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -592,7 +592,6 @@
     my $tags = $args{'tags'};
     my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
     ## Get the diff between old and new tags list to delete that diff from DB
     my $old_tags = $self->load_tags(%args);
     if ($old_tags) {
@@ -602,12 +601,12 @@
         if (@$to_del_tags) {
             my @bind = map { '?' } @$to_del_tags;
             my @bind_vals = map { $_ } @$to_del_tags;
-            my $del = $dbh->do("DELETE FROM vertical_keywords WHERE vert_id = ? AND keyword IN (".(join ",", @bind).")", undef, $self->vert_id, @bind_vals);
+            my $del = $dbh->do("DELETE FROM vertical_keywords WHERE vert_id = ? AND keyword IN (".(join ",", @bind).") AND is_seo = ?", undef, $self->vert_id, @bind_vals, $is_seo);
     foreach my $tag (@$tags) {
-        my $kw_id = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM vertical_keywords WHERE keyword = ?", undef, $tag);
+        my $kw_id = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM vertical_keywords WHERE keyword = ? AND is_seo = ?", undef, $tag, $is_seo);
         next if @$kw_id;
         my $sth = $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO vertical_keywords (journalid, keyword, jitemid, vert_id, is_seo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef , $tag->{journalid}, $tag->{tag}, $tag->{jitemid}, $self->vert_id, $is_seo);

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Browse.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Browse.pm	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Browse.pm	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -221,12 +221,7 @@
     } else {
-        my @posts = ();
-        if ($search_str) {
-            @posts = LJ::Browse->search_posts ( $search_str, $post_page_size );
-        } else {
-            @posts = LJ::Browse->recent_posts ( [ map { $_->{userid} } @comms ], $post_page_size );
-        }
+        my @posts = LJ::Browse->search_posts ( [ map { $_->{userid} } @comms ], $post_page_size, $search_str );
         foreach my $entry (@posts) {
             next unless $entry;

Modified: trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/add_community.bml
--- trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/add_community.bml	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/add_community.bml	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
     my $ret = "";
     my $caturl = $POST{'caturl'};
-    my $journals = $POST{'journals'};
+    my $journal = $POST{'journal'};
+    my $tags = $POST{'tags'};
     if (LJ::did_post() and $POST{'add'}) {
         push @errors, "Invalid form submission" unless LJ::check_form_auth();
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
                 push @errors, "Please select a category";
-            unless ($journals) {
+            unless ($journal) {
                 push @errors, "Please enter journal names to add";
@@ -38,25 +39,16 @@
             push @errors, "Invalid category" unless $category;
             # Extract usernames and get userids
-            my @usernames = split(/\n/, $journals);
+            my @tags = split /,\s*/, $tags;
             my @baduser;
-            my %users;
-            foreach my $user (@usernames) {
-                # trim off extra whitespace characters
-                $user = LJ::trim($user);
-                my $uid = LJ::get_userid($user);
-                if ($uid) {
-                    $users{$user} = $uid;
-                } else {
-                    push @baduser, $user;
-                }
-            }
-            push @errors, "Invalid users (" . join(',', @baduser) . ")"
-                if @baduser;
+            my $uid = LJ::get_userid($journal);
+            push @errors, "Invalid user <b>$journal</b>"
+                unless $uid;
             next if @errors;
-            # Add journals to category
-            if ($category->add_communities(values %users)) {
+            # Add journal to category
+            if ($category->add_community($uid, \@tags)) {
                 $ret .= "<span class='super notice'>Communities successfully added to category.</span>";
             } else {
                 $ret .= "<span class='super notice'>Communities not added.</span>";
@@ -83,15 +75,20 @@
     $ret .= "</p>\n";
-    $ret .= "<p>the following journals:<br />";
-    $ret .= LJ::html_textarea( {
-                name => 'journals',
-                cols => 40,
-                rows => 6,
-                value => $journals }
+    $ret .= "<p>the following journal:<br />";
+    $ret .= LJ::html_text( {
+                name => 'journal',
+                size => 40,
+                }
-    $ret .= "<br /><i>One username per line.</i></p>\n";
+    $ret .= "<p>with tags:<br />";
+    $ret .= LJ::html_text( {
+                name => 'tags',
+                size => 60,
+                }
+            );
     $ret .= "<p>" . LJ::html_submit('add', 'Add') . "</p>";
     $ret .= "</form>";

Modified: trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/remove_community.bml
--- trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/remove_community.bml	2010-11-15 08:04:22 UTC (rev 17681)
+++ trunk/htdocs/admin/browse/remove_community.bml	2010-11-15 09:37:07 UTC (rev 17682)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     # Get the full list of categories
     my @categories = LJ::Browse->load_all;
     # Don't include the top level categories and get the unique URI for each
-    my @caturls = map { $_->uri, $_->uri } grep { $_->parent } @categories;
+    my @caturls = map { { text => $_->{pretty_name}, value => $_->uri } } grep { $_->parent } @categories;
     @caturls = sort { $a cmp $b } @caturls;
     $ret .= "<p>Remove from Category:<br />";

Tags: bml, livejournal, pm, wisest-owl

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