wisest owl (wisest_owl) wrote in changelog,
wisest owl

[ljcom] r9400: LJSUP-6613. after visiting gift tab, goi...

Committer: gprochaev
LJSUP-6613. after visiting gift tab, going back to myself tab doesn't work
U   trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Shop/View/UserHeads.pm
Modified: trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat
--- trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat	2010-08-26 03:59:33 UTC (rev 9399)
+++ trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat	2010-08-26 04:00:01 UTC (rev 9400)
@@ -5224,6 +5224,8 @@
 shop.error.diskquota.nothing_selected=You didn't select for how long you want to buy the addon. Please choose one of the options below.
+shop.error.userhead.nothing_selected=You didn't select the userhead
 shop.error.global.cannot_load_cart=Cannot load cart
 shop.error.global.not_your_cart=You are trying to view someone other's cart, and you can't do that. Try <a href="/shop/?cart=new">creating a new one</a>.

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Shop/View/UserHeads.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Shop/View/UserHeads.pm	2010-08-26 03:59:33 UTC (rev 9399)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/Shop/View/UserHeads.pm	2010-08-26 04:00:01 UTC (rev 9400)
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
     my ($uh_id) = LJ::Request->post_param('uh') =~ m#uh-(\d+)#;
     my $uh = LJ::UserHead->get_userhead($uh_id);
+    $self->raise_errors(LJ::Lang::ml('shop.error.userhead.nothing_selected')) unless $uh;
     my $recipient = 
         (LJ::Request->get_param('gift') and LJ::Request->get_param('giftto'))
         ? LJ::load_user(LJ::Request->get_param('giftto'))
@@ -92,13 +94,14 @@
     die "Unknown recipient" unless $recipient;
     my $cart = $self->try_get_cart;
+    my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
     my $it = LJ::Pay::Payment::PayItem::UserHead->new_memonly(
         subitem => LJ::Request->post_param('uh'),
         qty     => 1,
         amt     => $uh->get_price (), 
-        anon    => LJ::get_remote() ? LJ::Request->post_param('gift_anon') : 1,
-        rcptid  => $recipient->userid,
+        anon    => $remote ? LJ::Request->post_param('gift_anon') : 1,
+        rcptid  => LJ::Request->post_param('formyself') eq '1' && $remote ? $remote->userid : $recipient->userid,
     if ($giveafter_yyyy) {

Tags: dat, ljcom, pm, wisest-owl

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