Андрей (andy) wrote in changelog,

[ljcom] r12739: LJSUP-13871 (Consider Facebook's access ...

Committer: ailyin
LJSUP-13871 (Consider Facebook's access token expiration)
U   trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat
U   trunk/bin/upgrading/proplists-local.dat
A   trunk/bin/worker/facebook-connect-expire
U   trunk/htdocs/manage/settings/facebook.bml
Modified: trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat
--- trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat	2012-10-09 14:15:34 UTC (rev 12738)
+++ trunk/bin/upgrading/en_LJ.dat	2012-10-09 14:40:18 UTC (rev 12739)
@@ -3514,6 +3514,18 @@
 facebook.email.too_many.subject=You can not crosspost to Facebook
+Dear [[username]],
+For security reasons, we have disabled the link between your LiveJournal account and your Facebook account [[facebook_link]]. You can link your accounts again at the settings page: [[siteroot]]/manage/settings/?cat=extensions.
+Best regards,
+LiveJournal team
+facebookconnect.expired.subject=Your Facebook.Connect account in LiveJournal has been disabled

Modified: trunk/bin/upgrading/proplists-local.dat
--- trunk/bin/upgrading/proplists-local.dat	2012-10-09 14:15:34 UTC (rev 12738)
+++ trunk/bin/upgrading/proplists-local.dat	2012-10-09 14:40:18 UTC (rev 12739)
@@ -475,6 +475,11 @@
   des: a link to the user's profile on facebook (for identities of type 'facebook' only)
   cldversion: 8
+  datatype: char
+  des: UNIX timestamp when the user's access token expires
+  cldversion: 8
   datatype: char
   des: a user-provided OpenID identity, to be displayed in the user's profile

Added: trunk/bin/worker/facebook-connect-expire
--- trunk/bin/worker/facebook-connect-expire	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/bin/worker/facebook-connect-expire	2012-10-09 14:40:18 UTC (rev 12739)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin";
+BEGIN { require 'ljlib.pl'; }
+use base 'LJ::NewWorker::TheSchwartz';
+sub capabilities { 'LJ::Worker::FacebookConnectExpire' };
+package LJ::Worker::FacebookConnectExpire;
+use base qw( TheSchwartz::Worker );
+my @PropsToClear;
+    @PropsToClear = qw(
+        facebook_access_token
+        facebook_name
+        facebook_link
+        facebook_token_exptime
+    );
+sub work {
+    my ( $class, $job ) = @_;
+    my $userid = $job->arg->{'userid'};
+    my $u      = LJ::load_userid($userid);
+    unless ($u) {
+        die "unknown user $userid";
+    }
+    if ( $u->is_expunged ) {
+        return $job->completed;
+    }
+    my $exptime = $u->prop('facebook_token_exptime');
+    unless ( $exptime && $exptime < time ) {
+        return $job->completed;
+    }
+    my $facebook_link = $u->prop('facebook_link');
+    foreach my $prop (@PropsToClear) {
+        $u->clear_prop($prop);
+    }
+    my $log_notes = 'Automatically disconnected because the token has expired';
+    LJ::statushistory_add( $u->userid, LJ::get_userid('system'),
+        'facebook_connect', $log_notes );
+    if ( $u->is_visible && $u->is_validated ) {
+        LJ::set_remote($u);
+        my $body = LJ::Lang::ml( 'facebookconnect.expired.body', {
+            'username'      => $u->display_name,
+            'facebook_link' => $facebook_link,
+            'siteroot'      => $LJ::SITEROOT,
+        } );
+        LJ::send_mail({
+            'to'      => $u->email_raw,
+            'from'    => $LJ::DONOTREPLY_EMAIL,
+            'subject' => LJ::Lang::ml('facebookconnect.expired.subject'),
+            'body'    => $body,
+        });
+    }
+    return $job->completed;

Property changes on: trunk/bin/worker/facebook-connect-expire
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: trunk/htdocs/manage/settings/facebook.bml
--- trunk/htdocs/manage/settings/facebook.bml	2012-10-09 14:15:34 UTC (rev 12738)
+++ trunk/htdocs/manage/settings/facebook.bml	2012-10-09 14:40:18 UTC (rev 12739)
@@ -80,14 +80,30 @@
         my $fb_userdata = LJ::JSON->from_json($res->content);
-        $u->set_prop('facebook_access_token' => $fb_token);
-        $u->set_prop('facebook_name'         => $fb_userdata->{'name'});
-        $u->set_prop('facebook_link'         => $fb_userdata->{'link'});
+        my $duration = $params_returned{'expires'};
+        my $exptime  = time + $duration;
+        $u->set_prop('facebook_access_token'  => $fb_token);
+        $u->set_prop('facebook_name'          => $fb_userdata->{'name'});
+        $u->set_prop('facebook_link'          => $fb_userdata->{'link'});
+        $u->set_prop('facebook_token_exptime' => $exptime );
         my $sys_uid  = LJ::get_userid("system");
-        my $notes = "Connected with " . $fb_userdata->{'link'};
+        my $notes = "Connected with " . $fb_userdata->{'link'} .
+            ', token expires on ' . $exptime .
+            ' (' . scalar( gmtime $exptime ) . ')';
         LJ::statushistory_add($u->userid, $sys_uid, 'facebook_connect', $notes);
+        my $sclient = LJ::theschwartz();
+        $sclient->insert(
+            TheSchwartz::Job->new(
+                'funcname'  => 'LJ::Worker::FacebookConnectExpire',
+                'arg'       => { 'userid' => $u->userid },
+                'run_after' => $exptime,
+            ),
+        );
         my $facebook_name = $fb_userdata->{'name'};
         return LJ::Request->redirect($settings_page);

Tags: ailyin, andy, bml, dat, ljcom

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