Типа я (zilogic) wrote in changelog,
Типа я

[livejournal] r21407: LJSUP-11455: bad view variable mediaplac...

Committer: amyshkin
LJSUP-11455: bad view variable mediaplaceholder.loading in russian
U   trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/S2/EntryPage.pm
U   trunk/cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl
U   trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl
Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/S2/EntryPage.pm
--- trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/S2/EntryPage.pm	2012-03-14 08:00:57 UTC (rev 21406)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/LJ/S2/EntryPage.pm	2012-03-14 08:26:37 UTC (rev 21407)
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
                 'video_placeholders' => $replace_video_in_comments,
                 'remove_img_sizes'   => $replace_images_in_comments,
                 'remove_video_sizes' => $replace_video_in_comments,
+                'no_encode'          => 1,
             # local time in mysql format to gmtime

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl
--- trunk/cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl	2012-03-14 08:00:57 UTC (rev 21406)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl	2012-03-14 08:26:37 UTC (rev 21407)
@@ -1149,11 +1149,6 @@
                 if ($tag eq "img") {
                     my $img_bad = 0;
-                    if ($opts->{'remove_img_sizes'}) {
-                        delete $hash->{'height'};
-                        delete $hash->{'width'};
-                    }
                     if ($opts->{'extractimages'}) { $img_bad = 1; }
                     # don't use placeholders for small images
@@ -1202,7 +1197,7 @@
                     if ($img_bad) {
-                        $newdata .= qq~<a class="b-mediaplaceholder b-mediaplaceholder-photo ~ . ( $hash->{'width'} && $hash->{'height'} ? qq~ b-mediaplaceholder-good" style="width:$hash->{'width'}px;height:$hash->{'height'}px;" ~ : '" ' ) . qq~data-href="$href_b_link" href="~ .
+                        $newdata .= qq~<a class="b-mediaplaceholder b-mediaplaceholder-photo ~ . ( $opts->{'remove_img_sizes'} ? '"' : qq~ b-mediaplaceholder-good" style="width:$hash->{'width'}px;height:$hash->{'height'}px;"~ ) . ( $hash->{'width'} ? qq~ data-width="$hash->{'width'}"~ : '' ) . ( $hash->{'height'} ? qq~ data-height="$hash->{'height'}"~: '' ) . qq~data-href="$href_b_link" href="~ .
                             LJ::ehtml($hash->{'src'}) . '" onclick="return LiveJournal.placeholderClick(this, \'image\')">' .
                             '<span class="b-mediaplaceholder-outer">' .
                             '<span class="b-mediaplaceholder-inner">' .

Modified: trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl
--- trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl	2012-03-14 08:00:57 UTC (rev 21406)
+++ trunk/cgi-bin/weblib.pl	2012-03-14 08:26:37 UTC (rev 21407)
@@ -2038,11 +2038,8 @@
     $width -= 2;
     $height -= 2;
-    $width  = undef if $opts{remove_video_sizes};
-    $height = undef if $opts{remove_video_sizes};
     return qq {
-            <a href="$link" class="b-mediaplaceholder b-mediaplaceholder-video } . ( $width && $height ? ' b-mediaplaceholder-good" style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;"' : '" ' ) . qq{ onclick="return LiveJournal.placeholderClick(this, '$placeholder_html')">
+            <a href="$link" class="b-mediaplaceholder b-mediaplaceholder-video } . ( $opts{remove_video_sizes} ? '" ' : ' b-mediaplaceholder-good" style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;"' ) . ( $width ? qq~ data-width="$width"~ : '' ) . ( $height ? qq~ data-height="$height"~: '' ) . qq{ onclick="return LiveJournal.placeholderClick(this, '$placeholder_html')">
                 <span class="b-mediaplaceholder-outer">
                     <span class="b-mediaplaceholder-inner">
                         <i class="b-mediaplaceholder-pic"></i>

Tags: amyshkin, livejournal, pl, pm, zilogic

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