Максим Червонный (fiskus_boulder) wrote in changelog,
Максим Червонный

[ljcom] r11261: LJSUP-10444: New Style - tasty food

Committer: mchervonniy
LJSUP-10444: New Style - tasty food
A   trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/
A   trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/s/
A   trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/s/tasty-food.css
Added: trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/s/tasty-food.css
--- trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/s/tasty-food.css	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/htdocs/stc/understroke/s/tasty-food.css	2011-12-14 10:32:47 UTC (rev 11261)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
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+ * Can't implement these because need to create it by javascript for IEs
+ *
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Tags: css, fiskus_boulder, ljcom, mchervonniy

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