wisest owl (wisest_owl) wrote in changelog,
wisest owl

[livejournal] r19511: LJSUP-8713. New Photo-hosting

Committer: wisest-owl
LJSUP-8713. New Photo-hosting

U   branches/fotki/cgi-bin/Apache/LiveJournal.pm
U   branches/fotki/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/EntryForm.pm
U   branches/fotki/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl
U   branches/fotki/htdocs/update.bml
Modified: branches/fotki/cgi-bin/Apache/LiveJournal.pm
--- branches/fotki/cgi-bin/Apache/LiveJournal.pm	2011-07-22 08:09:25 UTC (rev 19510)
+++ branches/fotki/cgi-bin/Apache/LiveJournal.pm	2011-07-22 08:23:25 UTC (rev 19511)
@@ -622,6 +622,56 @@
             return $bml_handler->("$LJ::HOME/htdocs/$file");
+        if ($opts->{'mode'} eq "ljphotoalbums" && $opts->{'user'} ne 'pics') {
+            my $burl = LJ::remote_bounce_url();
+            return remote_domsess_bounce() if LJ::remote_bounce_url();
+            LJ::Request->notes("_journal" => $opts->{'user'});
+            my $u = LJ::load_user($opts->{user});
+            if ($u) {
+                LJ::Request->notes("journalid" => $u->{userid});
+            } else {
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('error' => 'baduser');
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('remote' => LJ::get_remote());
+                return LJ::Request::NOT_FOUND;
+            }
+            ## For beta-testers only.
+            my $comm = LJ::load_user($LJ::LJPHOTO_ALLOW_FROM_COMMUNITY);
+            my %post_params = LJ::Request->post_params;
+            if (!$remote && !LJ::Auth->check_sessionless_auth_token (
+                    $LJ::DOMAIN_WEB."/pics/upload",
+                    auth_token => $post_params{'form_auth'}, 
+                    user => $opts->{user})
+            ) {
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('error' => 'members');
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('remote' => LJ::load_user($opts->{'user'}));
+                return LJ::Request::FORBIDDEN;
+            }
+            LJ::set_remote (LJ::load_user($opts->{'user'}));
+            $remote = LJ::get_remote();
+            unless ($remote && $remote->is_mutual_friend($comm)) {
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('error' => 'members');
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('remote' => LJ::get_remote());
+                return LJ::Request::FORBIDDEN;
+            }
+            ##
+            unless ($u->is_person) {
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('error' => 'e404');
+                LJ::Request->pnotes ('remote' => LJ::get_remote());
+                return LJ::Request::FORBIDDEN;
+            }
+            # handle normal URI mappings
+            if (my $bml_file = $LJ::URI_MAP{"/pics"}) {
+                return LJ::URI->bml_handler($bml_file);
+            }
+        }
         if ($opts->{'mode'} eq "wishlist") {
             return $bml_handler->("$LJ::HOME/htdocs/wishlist.bml");
@@ -673,6 +723,12 @@
             return redir(LJ::Session->setdomsess_handler());
+        if (LJ::Request->uri eq '/crossdomain.xml') {
+            LJ::Request->handler("perl-script"); 
+            LJ::Request->set_handlers(PerlHandler => \&crossdomain_content); 
+            return LJ::Request::OK;
+        }
         if ($uuri =~ m#^/(\d+)\.html$#) { #
             my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
             unless ($u) {
@@ -688,6 +744,9 @@
                 $mode = "entry";
+        } elsif ($uuri =~ m#^/pics#) {
+            $mode = "ljphotoalbums";
         } elsif ($uuri =~ m#^/(\d\d\d\d)(?:/(\d\d)(?:/(\d\d))?)?(/?)$#) {
             my ($year, $mon, $day, $slash) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
             unless ($slash) {
@@ -908,7 +967,7 @@
             LJ::Request->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::Api::handler);
             return LJ::Request::OK;
             LJ::Request->pnotes ('error' => 'e404');
             LJ::Request->pnotes ('remote' => LJ::get_remote());
             return LJ::Request::NOT_FOUND;

Modified: branches/fotki/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/EntryForm.pm
--- branches/fotki/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/EntryForm.pm	2011-07-22 08:09:25 UTC (rev 19510)
+++ branches/fotki/cgi-bin/LJ/Widget/EntryForm.pm	2011-07-22 08:23:25 UTC (rev 19511)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     push @ret, qw(
-        stc/fck/fckeditor.js
+        js/ck/ckeditor.js
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
     my $switch_rte_link = BML::ml("entryform.htmlokay.rich4", {
         'opts' => 'href="javascript:void(0);" '.
             'onclick="return useRichText(\'draft\', \'' .
-            $LJ::WSTATPREFIX. '\');"'
+            $LJ::JSPREFIX. '\');"'
     my $switch_rte_tab = '';
@@ -1011,6 +1011,41 @@
             $out .= LJ::help_icon_html("adult_content", "", " ");
             return $out;
+        'give_features' => sub {
+            my $out = '';
+            return unless LJ::is_enabled("give_features");
+            my @give_menu = (
+                "enable"  => BML::ml('entryform.give.enable'),
+                "disable" => BML::ml('entryform.give.disable'),
+            );
+            $out .= "<label for='prop_give_features' class='left options'>" .
+                BML::ml('entryform.give') . "</label>\n";
+            my $is_enabled;
+            if ($opts->{'mode'} eq "edit") {
+                $is_enabled = $opts->{'prop_give_features'};
+            } else {
+                my $journalu = LJ::load_user($opts->{'usejournal'}) || $remote;
+                $is_enabled = $journalu ? 1 : 0; 
+            }
+            $out .= LJ::html_select({
+                name => 'prop_give_features',
+                id => 'prop_give_features',
+                class => 'select',
+                selected => ($is_enabled) ? "enable" : "disable",
+                tabindex => $self->tabindex,
+            }, @give_menu);
+            $out .= LJ::help_icon_html("give", "", " ");
+            return $out;
+        },
+        'blank' => sub {
+          return '';  
+        },
         'lastfm_logo' => sub {
             return unless $self->should_show_lastfm;
             return qq{
@@ -1418,6 +1453,13 @@
             'Poll_AccountLevelNotice' => 'poll.accountlevelnotice',
             'Poll_PollWizardTitle' => 'poll.pollwizardtitle',
             'Poll' => 'poll',
+            'LJLike_name' => 'ljlike.name',
+            'LJLike_dialogText' => 'ljlike.dialog.text',
+            'LJLike_button_google' => 'ljlike.button.google',
+            'LJLike_button_facebook' => 'ljlike.button.facebook',
+            'LJLike_button_vkontakte' => 'ljlike.button.vkontakte',
+            'LJLike_button_twitter' => 'ljlike.button.twitter',
+            'LJLike_button_give' => 'ljlike.button.give',
         my %langmap_translated = map { $_ => BML::ml("fcklang.$langmap{$_}") }
@@ -1427,21 +1469,10 @@
         my $jnorich = LJ::ejs(LJ::deemp(BML::ml('entryform.htmlokay.norich2')));
         $out .= $self->wrap_js(qq{
-            FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser = (function(FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser) {
-                return function() {
-                    if (/iPad|iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    return FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser();
-                };
-            }(FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser));
-            var FCKLang = FCKLang || {};
-            jQuery.extend(FCKLang, $langmap);
-            if (!FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()) {
-                document.getElementById('htmltools').style.display = 'block';
-                document.write("$jnorich");
-                usePlainText('draft');
-            }
+            var CKLang = CKEDITOR.lang[CKEDITOR.lang.detect()] || {};
+            jQuery.extend(CKLang, $langmap);
+            document.getElementById('htmltools').style.display = 'block';
+            usePlainText('draft');
         $out .= qq{
@@ -1452,7 +1483,7 @@
         if ($opts->{'richtext_default'}) {
-            $$onload .= 'useRichText("draft", "' . LJ::ejs($LJ::WSTATPREFIX) . '");';
+            $$onload .= 'useRichText("draft", "' . LJ::ejs($LJ::JSPREFIX) . '");';

Modified: branches/fotki/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl
--- branches/fotki/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl	2011-07-22 08:09:25 UTC (rev 19510)
+++ branches/fotki/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl	2011-07-22 08:23:25 UTC (rev 19511)
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
                     "comet_history", "pingrel",
                     "eventrates", "eventratescounters",
+                    "fotki_albums", "fotki_photos", "fotki_tags", "fotki_tags_map",
 # keep track of what db locks we have out
@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@
         "captcha_audio" => 3,
         "captcha_image" => 4,
         "fotobilder" => 5,
+        "photoalbums" => 6,
     # FIXME: add hook support, so sites can't define their own
     # general code gets priority on numbers, say, 1-200, so verify

Modified: branches/fotki/htdocs/update.bml
--- branches/fotki/htdocs/update.bml	2011-07-22 08:09:25 UTC (rev 19510)
+++ branches/fotki/htdocs/update.bml	2011-07-22 08:23:25 UTC (rev 19511)
@@ -182,6 +182,36 @@
+    # in case of insert one photo or photo album
+    my $insert_photos = [];
+    if ($remote) {
+        my $albums_id = $POST{'albums_id'} || $GET{'albums_id'};
+        my $photos_id = $POST{'photos_id'} || $GET{'photos_id'};
+        my @photos = grep { $_ } map {
+            my $photo = LJ::Fotki::Photo->new ( url_id => $_, userid => $remote->userid );
+            $photo;
+        } split (/,/, $photos_id);
+        foreach my $album_id (split /,/, $albums_id) {
+            my $album = LJ::Fotki::Album->new ( url_id => $album_id, userid => $remote->userid );
+            next unless $album;
+            push @photos, @{$album->get_all_photos() || []};
+        }
+        $insert_photos = [ grep { $_ } map {
+                my $photo = $_;
+                my $res = $photo->is_valid ? {
+                    photo_desc  => $photo->desc,
+                    photo_title => $photo->title,
+                    photo_url   => $photo->u100_url,
+                    photo_id    => $photo->url_id,
+                } : undef;
+                $res;
+            } @photos ];
+    }
     # try to call a hook to fill in the fields
     my $override_fields = LJ::run_hook('update_fields', \%GET);
     my $opt_preformatted = 0;
@@ -330,7 +360,101 @@
             $$body .= " warningbar?><br /></div>";
-        $$body .= "\n\n<form method='post' action='update.bml$getextra' id='updateForm' name='updateForm'>\n\n";
+        my $remote = LJ::get_remote ();
+        my $photo_sizes = LJ::JSON->to_json ( LJ::Fotki::Photo->get_photo_sizes() );
+        my $album_list = [];
+        my $album_list_json = '';
+		my $available_space = '';
+        if ($remote) {
+            $album_list = LJ::Fotki::Album->get_albums ($remote->userid);
+            $album_list = [
+                map {
+                    my $album = $_;
+                    my $main_photo = $album->main_photo_url;
+                    {
+                        album_title     => $album->title,
+                        album_id        => $album->url_id,
+                    }
+                } @$album_list
+            ];
+            $album_list_json = LJ::JSON->to_json ( $album_list );
+            my $spaces = LJ::Fotki::Photo->get_spaces ( $remote );
+            $available_space = $spaces->[2] || 0;
+        }
+        #####
+        # TODO If remote not exist?
+        #####
+        my $auth_token = LJ::Auth->sessionless_auth_token ($LJ::DOMAIN_WEB."/pics/upload", user => $remote ? $remote->user : undef);
+        LJ::need_res('stc/pics/pics.css', 'js/swfupload/swfupload.js', 'js/swfupload/swfupload.queue.js', 'js/jquery/jquery.lj.photouploader.js');
+        $$body .= <<JS;
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// TODO: remove after new PhotoHosting release
+window.ljphotoEnabled = true;	
+    jQuery('#content').photouploader({
+		availableSpace: '$available_space',
+		sizesData: $photo_sizes,
+        albumsData: $album_list_json,
+        type: 'upload',
+        guid: '$auth_token',
+        ml: {
+            $$body .= "'fotki.album.add.images': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.albums')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.link.click.to.upload': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.link.click.to.upload')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.add.photos': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.add.photos')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.upgrade': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.upgrade')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.add.image.name': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.add.image.name')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.description': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.description')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.album_cover': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.album_cover')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.remove.this.image': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.remove.this.image')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.select_album': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.select_album')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.new.album.name': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.new.album.name')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.post.images': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.post.images')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.save.images': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.save.images')."',"
+            ."'fotki.privacy': '".BML::ml('fotki.privacy')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.resize.to.post': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.resize.to.post')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.stop.upload.confirm': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.stop.upload.confirm')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.close.without.saving.confirm': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.close.without.saving.confirm')."',"
+            ."'fotki.album.create.new': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.create.new')."'";
+        $$body .= <<JS;
+        }
+    });
+        if (@$insert_photos) {
+            my $insert_photos_json = LJ::JSON->to_json ( $insert_photos );
+			$$body .= <<JS;
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    jQuery('#content')
+		.photouploader({
+			insertPhotosData: $insert_photos_json,
+	        type: 'add',
+	        ml: {
+	            $$body .= "'fotki.album.remove.image': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.remove.image')."',"
+	            ."'fotki.album.close.without.saving.confirm': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.close.without.saving.confirm')."',"
+	            ."'fotki.album.create.new': '".BML::ml('fotki.album.create.new')."'";
+	        $$body .= <<JS;
+	        }
+	    })
+		.bind('htmlready', function (event, htmlOutput) {
+			if (window.switchedRteOn) {
+				CKEDITOR.instances.draft.insertHtml(htmlOutput);
+			} else {
+				jQuery('#draft').val(jQuery('#draft').val() + htmlOutput);
+			}
+		})
+		.photouploader('show');
+        }
+		$$body .= "\n\n<form method='post' action='update.bml$getextra' id='updateForm' name='updateForm'>\n\n";
         $$body .= LJ::form_auth();
         if ($opts->{require_tos}){

Tags: bml, livejournal, pl, pm, wisest-owl

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